Eyebrow Tattooing

  • Cosmetic Brow Tattoos are not recommended for clients who are or have any of the following:

    • Under the age of 18 and over the age of 65-70

    • Pregnant

    • Auto Immune Disorders

    • Hypo or Hyperpigmentation

    • Prone to keloid scarring

    • Blood clotting problems

    • Undergoing chemotherapy treatment

    • Epilepsy

    • Lupus

    • Skin disorders/lesions

    • Using Accutane or any acne medication use in the past six months

    • Using Doxycycline for acne treatment (must be discontinued 6 weeks prior to treatment)

  • Preparation for your appointment is just as important as the aftercare. Failing to follow the below instructions will compromise your final results.

    • DO NOT consume alcohol, caffeine or take any blood thinners (Aspirin, Ibuprofen) for 24 HOURS before your procedure, this will cause excess bleeding and will affect your final results.

    • Stop using any skin thinners (salicylic acid, glycolic acids, exfoliation) on the brow area 2 weeks prior to your appointment

    • Retinol or Vitamin A must be discontinued 1 month prior

    • Doxycycline for Acne treatment must be discontinued 6 weeks prior to treatment

    • Any waxing or brow shaping should be done at least 14 days before (optional)

    • Botox or cosmetic fillers should be done 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks after

    • We will not be able to tattoo over any blemishes, sores, and moles in or around the brow area due to infection.


    If you cannot commit to the preparation, aftercare and healing period, please do not proceed with booking your appointment. As these instructions are important for the best ‘healed’ results possible. Compromising these instructions can result to patchy, uneven eyebrows or worst-case scenario infection during the healing period.

  • Aftercare is crucial, it is very important to follow these instructions for the full 7-10 day healing period to ensure proper healing and colour retention. Results will vary for all individuals and we cannot guarantee your results when working with different skin types.

    • For the first 4 hours post your treatment, you will be provided wipes to gently wipe your brows every hour to remove any lymphatic fluid.

    • Before going to bed on the first night of your treatment, you will wash your eyebrows with the cleanser provided to you. Pat the area completley dry and apply a small amount of cream.

    • You will continue using your cleanser and aftercare cream every morning and night until the scabbing period has finished.

    • You will stop using your cleanser and aftercream cream only once all the scabs have completley gone and you can resume your normal routine of makeup, skincare and getting them wet again etc.

    • During the entire healing process (up to 10 days) it is important to completely avoid the following:

    • No intense exercise or sweating.

    • No brow products or makeup on the healing area.

    • No facial sun exposure including solariums.

    • No facial laser treatments, skin treatments or facials.

    • No soaking of the brows with water.

    • No picking or lifting the scabs off.


    If you cannot commit to the preparation, aftercare and healing period, please do not proceed with booking your appointment. As these instructions are important for the best ‘healed’ results possible. Compromising these instructions can result to patchy, uneven eyebrows or worst-case scenario infection during the healing period.

  • If you have existing brow tattoo, this will need to be assessed through a Brow Consultation, as not every tattoo can be corrected, no matter how old or faded the tattoo is.

    Some tattoos are more difficult to cover depending on their shape, scar tissue, colour and may require tattoo removal before having them enhanced.

    For any existing brow tattoo, please book a Brow Consultation online through our booking system.

    This is a requirement before we can proceed.

    You can only book in your brow tattoo once your brows have been assessed in person and we have agreed to correct your brows.

  • Below is what to expect during the healing process. Remember, it takes a full 6 weeks for the skin to fully heal.

    Day 1-3 post treatment

    • Brows will look darker and thicker as scabs start to form

    • Brows may feel tender & sore and may look warm/reddish

    Day 4-5

    • Redness should be reduced

    • Flaking and scabbing of the eyebrows may occur

    • Eyebrows may feel dry and itchy

    • Scabs peel off in random sections and look patchy

    • The areas without scabs may look lighter in colour

    Day 6-12

    • Scabs continue to peel off in random pieces (looks like fish food)

    • 70-100% scabs fall off during this time

    • Colour looks very light and may look thinner

    • Some areas may have lost more colour compared to other areas

    • Colour can look uneven

    Day 13-21

    • Brow colour gradually deepens as the skin fully heals

    • The fully healed colour will be 30-50% lighter from the initial appointment and pigment retention can vary according to skin type

  • Both Combination & Ombre brow treatments are cosmetic tattoo's but have different styles.

    Combination Brows - The perfect mix of feather strokes at the front of the brow slowly transitioned into a soft powder finish to the arch to the tail for the ladies who love fluffy fronts and defined tails. Only suitable for normal/dry, poreless skin types.

    Ombre Brows - A soft powder finish throughout the brow from tails to front. Suited for all skin types, including oily skin.

  • This is a personal choice and can be consulted with your medical professional if you have any concerns. In most cases I have found most mums are happy to pump & dump for 24 hours post treatment before returning to breast feeding.

  • The average healing period is 7-10 days but it does a take a minimum of 4 weeks for the colour to fully set in and you must wait a full month to see a final colour result.

    However, older and looser skin types tend to take longer than younger skin types to regenerate new cells and heal. Mature skin clients may be asked to push out their touch ups to the 8+ week mark.

    Please also keep in mind, the healing and aftercare process is the same instructions at your Touch Up appointment.

  • For your comfort, we apply anastethic to the skin once it has been broken.

    Most clients would say the procedure isn't painful, but can be uncomfortable, especially if its during your menstrual cycle or if you've had inadequate sleep leading up to your apointment.

    We've never had someone in so much discomfort that we've been asked to stop the treatment.

  • Many different factors play a role in the lifespan of your brow pigment.

    Clients skin type plays the biggest role in longevity and the general outcome of the procedure. Most clients get colour touch ups 12-18 months from their last touch up.

    Aggressive skin treatments such as laser, chemical peel, dermabrasion etc can shorten the lifespan of your cosmetic brows and require touch ups sooner.

  • It is not required but you may come in with minimal makeup on and how you normally draw in your brows so I can see what shape you are used too. This is especially important for clients who desire a specific brow shape.

    If you get eyelash extensions, it is recommended to have them refilled before your appointment so your lash technician does not need to rest her hands on the treated area while your brows are healing.

    If you have a Botox appointment less than 2 weeks before or after your brows appointment, you will need to reschedule this.

    Drinking lots of water and staying hydrated leading up to and after your appointment, creates less sebum/oil for your skin procedure.

Lip Blush Tattoo

  • Lip Blush Tattoo is a technique used to enhance your natural lip shape, symmetry, and colour. A customized pigment is applied to add definition and conceal imperfections, tailored to match your skin tone and personal preference.

  • Pale/dull lips are best suited for this technique offered at Brooke Sutherland Beauty to give a natural tone of colour to lips that don't have much pigment naturally.

    If you already naturally have quite pigmented lips and aiming for a lighting lip colour (eg light nude) your lips may not be suitable to do so. If you are unsure if you are able to have your desired Lip Blush colour, feel free to email us photos of your lips and the colour you'd like to achieve.

  • Lip blush is not recommended for clients who are or have any of the following:

    • Under the age of 18

    • Over the age of 60 (due to thin skin)

    • Have dark or melanin rich lips (pale/sheer lips are only suitable for this style of tattoo)

    • Pregnant

    • Epilepsy

    • Hypo or Hyperpigmentation

    • Undergoing Chemotherapy

    • Viral infections or diseases

    • (Ro)Accutane use in the past six months

    • Have had Lip Fillers, Botox or Dissolving around the mouth area within the 3 weeks

    • Using Doxycycline for acne treatment (must be discontinued 6 weeks prior to treatment)

    • Have had previous Lip Blush (I dont work with previous lip tattoo from elsewhere)

    • Cold sores: If you are prone to cold sores, lip tattooing can cause outbreaks. It is your responsibility to take your prescribed anti-viral medication from your doctor a few days prior to your appointment and after the procedure to prevent any cold sores. If you have an outbreak on your lips, we ask that you reschedule your appointment.


    If you cannot commit to the preparation, aftercare and healing period, please do not proceed with booking your appointment. As these instructions are important for the best ‘healed’ results possible.

  • ​It is extremley important that your lips cannot be dry for the appointment.

    You need to exfoliate 3 days before your appointment to remove any dry skin.

    You can use a lip scrub (I recommend the Lush lip scrubs or Frank Body) or create your own using a little honey and brown sugar.

    For the week leading up to the appointment you must moisturize your lips as much as possible (I recommend using Nipple Balm (Dr.Lipp has a great one from Mecca).

    It is also important to not have any coffee, alcohol, energy drinks or pre works out for 24 hours prior to your appointment to avoid bleeding.

    Please note, if you attend your booking and they are too dry to work with, we will need to reschedule and you will forfeit your deposit.

  • After your lip blush appointment, it is normal that your lips will feel swollen and very dry.

    Apply your aftercare cream on your lips several times a day. This should be done for at least 7 days post treatment. Do not allow your lips to become dry so carry your cream with you everywhere!

    You will be provided with cleanser and aftercare cream to keep your lips clean from bacteria and possible infection. You will wash your lips morning and night and continue using your aftercare cream throughout the day to keep them moisturised.

    During the day if lips feel dry, apply a liberal amount of ointment. Just tap on skin and do not rub in. Always use a clean cotton tip, not fingers to apply the cream to the lips area. This will reduce the risk of infection.

    After lips are no longer tender to the touch they may become flaky, this is normal to happen around day 3-4 post treatment.

    Please do not pick or scratch at them, this will significantly reduce the amount of colour retention. Avoid oily, salty, acidic foods and alcohol while healing.

    Once the lips have stopped flaking, (which can take up to a week) you are able to go back to your normal makeup routine and apply lipstick or balms.

  • For the first 7 days post your lip blush appointment:

    • Avoid sun exposure for 7 days after your appointment

    • Avoid all facial treatments including chemical peels or exfoliation

    • Please avoid swimming or submerging the area in water for long periods of time during the first week

    • Use the cream provided to you to keep the tattoo protected while it heals and to soothe any discomfort such as itching or dryness

    • Avoid applying lip balms, lipstick, and any other lip products during this time

    • Apply your cream several times during the day for the first week to keep your lips moisturised

    • AVOID touching the tattooed area with your hands.

    • Apply all recommended products with cotton tips ONLY

    • If the area must be touched with hands, ensure you thoroughly wash your hands before and after touching the tattooed area.

    • And please remember, do NOT pick off your scabs! You will damage the skin and pull off premature skin that will affect your final results. Proper aftercare will ensure the formation of thin scabs has more color retention.

  • Colour retention depends on skin type, age, aftercare, sun exposure, use of certain products, pigments used, the immune system, medications, and other factors.

    However, generally the colour lasts about 2 years. Most clients only require one session of lip blush and touch ups are not always required, due to how well the colours heal into the lips.

    Touch ups are recommended once every 1-2 years to prevent natural fading.

  • Topical anesthetic is applied before the procedure to minimize any discomfort.

    However, sensitivity differs from person to person. It is common to feel more discomfort if you are on your menstrual cycle.

    Do not take any blood thinners such as (Ibuprofen or Aspirin) 24 hours before the procedure.

  • Cold sores are a risk of lip blush tattoo. If you are prone to or have had a cold sores in the past - we advise you to go to the doctor or your local chemist for an anti-viral medication prior to any lip procedure, to help avoid an outbreak.

  • This is a personal choice and can be consulted with your medical professional if you have any concerns. In most cases I have found most mums are happy to pump & dump for 24 hours post treatment before returning to breast feeding.

Touch Up Appointments

  • As Cosmetic Tattoo's are low maintenance, not a no maintenance treatment, you will need Touch Up appointments as they naturally fade overtime.

    • After your first session, you will need to allow your cosmetic tattoo a MINIMUM of 6 weeks to heal before booking a touch up. It's takes a full 4 weeks for the colour to settle.

    • The first session is used to build shape and gain symmetry and the second session is used to make adjustments (if needed) and add density for longevity.

    • Do not expect perfect results after the first session.

    • Please keep in mind; this can be sometimes a 3-step process. Cosmetic tattooing is a process and some clients may need multiple sessions to achieve their desired result.

    • For women with darker or oily skin, permanent makeup will not look as bold or sharp compared to lighter, dryer skin type clients.

  • It is always recommended to book your Touch Up after booking your first session online to avoid missing out on the Touch Up price up to 6-12 weeks. You can also do this in person after your initial appointment but can not always guarantee your desired availability.

    It is your responsibility to book your touch up appointments and recommended to be done within the first 12 weeks after your initial appointment.

    If you push back your touch up appointments and it exceeds the time frame you have booked in for, you will be charged Colour Refresher pricing.

  • Touch Ups are highly recommended as this is the final step for your cosmetic tattoo. We can fill in any gaps or alter the healed colour.

    You can always find the pricing for a Touch Up session on our Bookings page and if you are unsure of what time you fall under, please Contact Us.

  • YES! It is so important to follow the same preparation and aftercare that you did for your initial session for your Touch Up appointment.

    We are completing the same procedure, so it is so important to not skip out on your prep or aftercare for a Touch Up to get the best healed results for your Cosmetic Tattoo.

  • If you have had your Cosmetic Tattoo completed at Brooke Sutherland Beauty and choose to go elsewhere for a Touch Up afterwards, please note that you will no longer be considered a "Touch Up" price and as a "New Client" due to another artist altering your Cosmetic Tattoo.

    This is due to another artist using different brands, pigment colours, techniques and can not always be guaranteed we can fix the work from another salon.

Book your appointment